
How to upgrade Centos OS to the latest version

Using the latest version operating system is highly encouraged because the latest version contains the newest softwares / packages, bug fixes, improvements and performances and security related patches.

Centos Linux operating system received the latest release to version 5.6 and it is better for Centos users to upgrade to Centos 5.6.

Updating Centos OS is very easy. This tutorial shows you how to upgrade Centos 5.5 to Centos 5.6. Here are the steps:
– Login to the server as root / super user
– Run the following commands:

yum list updates
yum update

Wait for some minutes to let the upgrading process completed.
Once the upgrade completed, verify that it has been successfully upgraded.

[root@mail ~]# rpm -q centos-release


[root@mail ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS release 5.6 (Final)

You can see above that Centos 5.5 has been successfully upgraded to Centos 5.6

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