FreeRadius Logo

How to Install FreeRadius on Linux / OpenBSD / FreeBSD

This brief post shows you how to install FreeRadius on Linux / OpenBSD / FreeBSD with MySQL or MariaDB as the database. The Linux distributions which we will cover including CentOS and Ubuntu.

FreeRadius is an open-source, free, fast, feature-rich, modular, and scalable Radius server. According to its official web site, many Fortune-500 companies and tier 1 ISPs are using FreeRadius as their AAA solution.

Ubuntu Linux

How to create VLAN in Ubuntu Linux

If you use Ubuntu Linux as a router, you may need to create VLAN (virtual LAN) interfaces in Ubuntu to divide your LAN. It is common in network infrastructures to use VLAN.

This post is intended to show you how to create VLAN  in Ubuntu Linux operating system. I am using Ubuntu 12.10 but it should be applicable for all Ubuntu versions. Simply follow the steps below:

Dropbox in Linux Mint

Install Dropbox on Linux Mint 14 Nadia

If you would like to make your documents synchronized across multiples devices such as desktops, laptops, tablets, and any other mobile devices, Dropbox is a must have application installed in your devices.

Dropbox is a file hosting service which offers cloud storage, online backup, file synchronization and file sharing. You can collaborate one or more files / folders with your friends, colleagues, families to do the same project, for example.

Linux Mint

Install Oracle Java SE 7 in Linux Mint 14

By default, Linux Mint 14 comes with pre-installed OpenJDK 1.7 for its Java Runtime Environment and there is no official Oracle Java SE in the package manager. So in some cases if you want to install Oracle Java SE 7 in Linux Mint, you can follow this tutorial. At the time of this writing, the latest version of Oracle Java SE is Java SE 7 Update 10.

Slackware logo

How To Install Slackware Linux 13.37 [Video]

Slackware is a free and open source Linux-based operating system which was created by Patrick Volkerding in 1993. It is one of the oldest Linux distributions currently being maintained.

Unlike other Linux distros which provide windowing graphical user interface during the installation, Slackware uses simple and text based user interface in the installation process. This makes people who get started in Slackware will find difficulties when installing Slackware Linux on their computer / server.