
How to password your BlackBerry device

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If you have a BlackBerry smartphone, you might wonder how to set a password for the device. Doing so, anyone need to type the password to access into the BlackBerry OS. This will make your movies, pictures, documents, or any credential data in the smartphone secured. Only you and the one who knows the password can access those data.

Setting a device password is simple. This post shows you how to do it on a BlackBerry device running OS 7. Since OS 6 is not much differences with the OS 7, this should also be applicable on BlackBerry running OS 6.

Here we go

– In the HomeScreen, click Options
– Then go to Security (Password, encryption, firewall)
– Select the Password (Control access to your device)
– Check the Enable option under General to enable password.
– Click ‘Set Password‘ button to set the password. You need to type the password twice to confirm.
– In the ‘Number of Password Attempts‘ value, set how many times you or someone to type the password. When the failed attempts reach the value, your device will be wiped (reset to factory default and erase all data and applications), so beware of this. Keep your password securely and always backup your data routinely.
– Set the Lock After value to let the device automatically locked when the value reached.
– Press back and save the setting. You’re done.

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