How to solve “PHP Warning: include_once(NetBeansCommandsProvider.php)” after setting ZendFramework in Netbeans

I just downloaded the latest Zend Framework 1.10.6 to test creating web applications using Zend Framework. I have also already installed Netbeans 6.9 for writing Java and PHP codes. The operating system I use is Linux Slackware 13.1.

At the beginning, creating Zend projects are fine, meaning without encountered any warning/error messages. But after adding the Zend Framework to the Netbeans IDE, I could not create Zend web project. The error messages warned me that “PHP Warning:  include_once(NetBeansCommandsProvider.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /path/to/zend/library/Zend/Loader.php on line 146”

This is already reported and discussed in the Netbeans bugzilla. It seems to be zend’s bug. The .zf.ini file, located in your $HOME directory, generated by zend tools has a wrong configuration. If you check the content of the .zf.ini file, there is incorrect in ‘php.includepath’ which should be ‘php.include_path’.

To solve this, just open the .zf.ini file and change the ‘php.includepath’ to be ‘php.include_path’. That’s it. Now try to create a new project using in command line interface. The new project should be created without any errors.

$ php bin/zf.php create project testproject
Creating project at /path/to/zend/testproject
Note: This command created a web project, for more information setting up your VHOST, please see docs/README


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