The Eclipse SDK 4.0 had been released on July 28th, 2010 just two days ago. The goals for this release are to be the next generation platform for building eclipse-based tools and rich client desktop application. This new release makes it easier for developers to develop and assemble applications and tools based on the Eclipse platform.
This article will show you how to install Eclipse SDK 4.0 on Linux, in this I use Slackware 13.1.
First of all, I assume you already installed the Java Development Kit (JDK) in your system. If not you can follow my previous article on how to install JDK on Linux.
1. Download Eclipse SDK 4.0
Go to Eclipse Release Build: 4.0 download page. Select the Linux Platform, in this I use x86/GTK 2 Platform. Then click the (http) link in the download column, you will be redirected to a mirror site nearest to you.
2. Extract the file using tar tool
Once the file has been downloaded successfully, extract or untar using the tar tool as follow:
tar zxf eclipse-SDK-4.0-linux-gtk.tar.gz
3. Change to eclipse directory
After extracting the file, an eclipse directory should be created in your current working directory. Go to the eclipse directory.
cd eclipse
4. Run eclipse
Now it is the time to run the Eclipse SDK 4.0
That’s it. Below is the screenshot of Eclipse SDK 4.0 running on Linux Slackware 13.1
Worked like a charm on Slackware 13