How to Upgrade Laravel Homestead
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Remove GRUB Bootloader MacBook Pro / Air / iMac
Ubuntu 16.04 Running on MacBook Pro
Do you have a MacBook Pro and want to run Ubuntu 16.04 on it? This post shows you that Ubuntu 16.04 is running on MacBook Pro.
Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus which was released on 21 April 2016 comes with performance improvements and a ton of new features including snap application format, Linux kernel 4.4 which supports ZFS file system out of the box, Python version 3, and more. It is an LTS (Long Term Support) version which will be supported for 5 years with critical security, bug and app updates.
How to Install Swift on Elementary OS
Swift is a new programming language developed by Apple to build iOS, OS X, watch OS, and tvOS applications. Its goal is to replace the current Objective-C language in future, not for now or in near few years. Apple Inc. has made it open-source so community around the world can help to make it available everywhere. At the time of this writing, it is only available for Apple Platform and Linux (Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 15.10 64-bit). Windows and other Linux distributions such as RedHat, CentOS, OpenSUSE will be supported later. This article will guide you how to install Swift on Elementary OS Freya 0.3.2 or previous release which is based-on Ubuntu 14.04.
How to install Swift on Ubuntu
Apple Inc. just announced its new programming language, Swift, to be open source. As a new programming language, it quickly becomes very popular as one of the fastest growing programming language in history. By making it open source, community around the world can help to make it available everywhere.
1TB Hitachi HGST HDD SATA-3 on MacBook Pro Early 2011
I have a MacBook Pro 13” Early 2011 which is still running without any problem until now. The RAM had been upgraded to 8GB and the Apple HDD had been replaced with a Corsair Force GS SSD 240GB as the main disk. The SuperDrive was removed and replaced with Apple HDD by using an OptiBay or HDD Caddy. It has been running perfectly for more than 2 years.
As the Apple HDD is only 320GB capacity, its free space is almost running out now so I decided to buy a new 1TB 2.5” Hitachi Internal Hard Disk (Model: HGST HTS541010A9E680) SATA-3 (6.0 Gbps). I installed it in the OptiBay or HDD Caddy to replace the 320GB of Apple HDD.