How to upgrade Google Chrome browser in Slackware 13.1

Google Chrome on Slackware 13.1

If you have Slackware Linux 13.1 as your Linux desktop OS and prefer to choose Google Chrome as your browser, you must be already have the chrome installed in your system. If not you can follow my previous tutorial how to install Google Chrome browser on Slackware 13.1.

The current stable version of Google Chrome is 7.0.517.41. If your chrome version is still below that, this tutorial will help you how to upgrade Chrome browser to the latest version of Google Chrome. At the time of this writing, the latest version is 7.0.517.41.
Google Chrome on Slackware 13.1

OK lets go to the upgrade process.
1. Download the google-chrome Slackbuild repository from Slackbuild website.

2. Extract and build the package.

$ tar zxf google-chrome.tar.gz 
$ mv google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb google-chrome
$ cd google-chrome
$ sudo ./google-chrome.SlackBuild 

Slackware package /tmp/google-chrome-7.0.517.41-i386-1_SBo.tgz created.

A google-chrome-7.0.517.41-i386-1_SBo.tgz Slackware package has been created in directory /tmp.

3. Run ‘upgradepkg’ tool to upgrade a package.

$ sudo upgradepkg /tmp/google-chrome-7.0.517.41-i386-1_SBo.tgz 

| Upgrading google-chrome-6.0.472.62-i386-1_SBo package using /tmp/google-chrome-7.0.517.41-i386-1_SBo.tgz

Pre-installing package google-chrome-7.0.517.41-i386-1_SBo...

Removing package /var/log/packages/google-chrome-6.0.472.62-i386-1_SBo-upgraded-2010-11-04,09:45:22...
  --> Deleting /usr/doc/google-chrome-6.0.472.62/google-chrome.SlackBuild
  --> Deleting empty directory /usr/doc/google-chrome-6.0.472.62/

Verifying package google-chrome-7.0.517.41-i386-1_SBo.tgz.
Installing package google-chrome-7.0.517.41-i386-1_SBo.tgz:
# Google Chrome (Open Source Web Browser)
# Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with
# sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.
Executing install script for google-chrome-7.0.517.41-i386-1_SBo.tgz.
Package google-chrome-7.0.517.41-i386-1_SBo.tgz installed.

Package google-chrome-6.0.472.62-i386-1_SBo upgraded with new package /tmp/google-chrome-7.0.517.41-i386-1_SBo.tgz.

If there is no errors, your chrome browser has been completely upgraded. Try to run the browser and check the version.


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