How to install Dropbox on CentOS 7

dropbox on centos 7

Dropbox is a great cloud storage and online backup for you to store and backup your documents or data. In case your computer hard disk is damaged, you can easily recover your documents by installing Dropbox application on your computer then sign in to Dropbox account, then within minutes your documents will be back.

I will not talk about how cool this app is, but I will show you how to install Dropbox on CentOS 7. If CentOS 7 is your day-to-day desktop operating system and your documents are stored online on Dropbox you must need to install Dropbox on CentOS.

Step one: Install the dependencies packages

Dropbox depends on libgnome. You need to install it prior to installing Dropbox. Run the following command to install libgnome.

$ sudo yum install libgnome

Step two: Download dropbox rpm package file

Go to Dropbox website and select the Fedora (.rpm) file. Depending on your linux architecture, select the 64bit or 32bit one.

Step three: Install the downloaded file using ‘rpm’ command

$ sudo rpm -ivh nautilus-dropbox-1.6.2-1.fedora.x86_64.rpm
[sudo] password for computechtips:
warning: nautilus-dropbox-1.6.2-1.fedora.x86_64.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 5044912e: NOKEY
Preparing...                       ################################# [100%]
Updating / installing...
1:nautilus-dropbox-1.6.2-1.fc10    ################################# [100%]
Killing nautilus

If the installation completed without error, Dropbox app menu can be found under Applications > Internet. Click to run it.

Step four: Log in to the Dropbox using your account

After clicking the app menu, the app will firstly download the remaining files to complete the installation. It may take several minutes depending on your internet speed. Once the download is complete, login to Dropbox and you are ready to use Dropbox in CentOS.

Dropbox on CentOS 7

You can find Dropbox folder under Home directory.

Dropbox on CentOS 7

In case you would like to uninstall it, run the following command below:

$ sudo rpm -e nautilus-dropbox-1.6.2-1.fc10.x86_64

Hopefully this simple post is useful for you.