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Sample config of FreeRadius as a Mobile authentication

This article shows you a sample configuration of FreeRadius as a mobile authentication to assign static IP address to the clients. In previous post, we have installed and configured FreeRadius on various operating systems such as Linux (CentOS, Ubuntu), FreeBSD, and OpenBSD. The Radius is ready to process requests.

This sample setup is based-on my project on a company which is serving hundred of customers around the country (Indonesia) using Telkomsel as the mobile operator. The customers are using a USB modem with a SIM card to connect to intranet.

Install Apache, PHP with SSL and MySQL support on PC-BSD 8.0 / FreeBSD 8.0

I want to share you on how to install Apache and PHP with SSL support on PC-BSD 8.0. I use the current stable version of Apache (version 2.2.14) and PHP (version 5.3.2) using PC-BSD 8.0 as the operating system. This article should be applicable to install them on Linux (Slackware, Centos, Ubuntu, Fedora, Redhat, etc) or other BSD varian (NetBSD, OpenBSD). The MySQL database was installed during system installation.

Quick Install MySQL from source distribution

This tutorial will show you on how to install MySQL server from source distribution. I use Slackware for this tutorial but it should be application in other Linux distros (Centos, Ubuntu, Redhat, Fedora, Debian, etc) and BSDs varian (FreeBSD, PC-BSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD).

Basically the explanation on how to install MySQL is already explained the INSTALL-* files included in the source file. This tutorial is only a quick step and straightforward way because if you are a newbie you will take some times to read the INSTALL-* files.