How to install Oracle Solaris Studio Express 6/10 on Slackware 13.1

Oracle Solaris Studio Express 6/10 had been officially released by Oracle for Solaris 10 (SPARC, x86), OEL 5 (x86), RHEL 5 (x86), SuSE 11 (x86) and will be available for OpenSolaris in the near future. You can find the release details here.

This tutorial will guide how to install it on Slackware 13.1 using the tarbal installer file.

Here are the step by step:

1. Download the Oracle Solaris Studio Express 6/10
Go to to download the file.
Slackware is not an RPM package format (though you can convert RPM file to TGZ using ‘rpm2tgz’ tool) I will use option 2 (the tarbal file) in this tutorial.

2. Untar and extract the file
Once you finish the download file, untar and extract the tarbal file.

$ tar jxf SolarisStudioExpress2010-06-lin-x86.tar.bz2

A folder named ‘solstudioex1006’ will be created in the current working directory.

3. Run the ‘sunstudio’ file
Definitely you are now ready to run the Solaris Studio Express. It is simply by running the ‘sunstudio’ file installed in ‘solstudioex1006/bin’ directory. Run the file then accept the licence agreement and you are done.

$ /home/fuad/Softwares/solstudioex1006/bin/sunstudio 
/bin/cp: target `1.73GHz/config/Modules/org-netbeans-modules-cnd-debugger-gdb.xml_hidden' is not a directory
/bin/cp: target `1.73GHz/config/Modules/org-netbeans-modules-cnd-kit.xml_hidden' is not a directory
/home/fuad/Softwares/solstudioex1006/bin/sunstudio: line 279: [: too many arguments

You can simply ignore the warning messages above.
Here are some screenshots of it.

Solaris Studio Express Licence Agreement (click to enlarge)

Oracle Solaris Studio Express 6/10 (click to enlarge)