Opensolaris 2010.03 Build 133 Screenshot

Opensolaris 2010.03 will be the next Opensolaris version planned to be released on the end of March 2010. Many improvements and great new features will be added such as interactive installation for SPARC, the ability to install packages directly from the repository during the install, offline IPS support, a new version of the GNOME desktop, ZFS deduplication and user quotas, cloud integration and plenty more. [...]

Install Apache, PHP with SSL and MySQL support on PC-BSD 8.0 / FreeBSD 8.0

I want to share you on how to install Apache and PHP with SSL support on PC-BSD 8.0. I use the current stable version of Apache (version 2.2.14) and PHP (version 5.3.2) using PC-BSD 8.0 as the operating system. This article should be applicable to install them on Linux (Slackware, Centos, Ubuntu, Fedora, Redhat, etc) or other BSD varian (NetBSD, OpenBSD). The MySQL database was installed during system installation. [...]

PC-BSD 8.0 Screenshots

PC-BSD 8.0 (Hubble Edition) that announced at 22 February last month is the latest release of PC-BSD. It’s been built based-on FreeBSD 8.0. Many improvements and enhancements have been added to it such as brand new System Installer,  KDE 4.3.5 Desktop System, support for 3D acceleration with NVIDIA drivers on amd64 and more. [...]