How to install OpenBSD packages directly from an FTP server

You want to install OpenBSD additional packages such as bash, pico, mozilla-firefox and others directly from an ftp server meaning that you do not need to download the packages first and save to your hard disk. In other word, installing the packages on the fly.

It is very easy to do this. We will do this using ‘pkg_add’ tool. One thing you need to know is ‘pkg_add’ will try to search the packages name in the working directory where you type the pkg_add command and also search the dependency of packages that you want to install. If it could not be found, error messages will be prompted.

How to access Windows Workgroups from Linux

If you are a Linux user and located in Windows Workgroups, sometime you want to access Windows machines to copy some files from them through network. In windows, you can simply open windows explorer and type \\hostname or \\ipaddress of the target that you want to access.
In Linux, you need to activate samba file system (smbfs) to be able to access or see windows workgroups. In Slackware Linux distro (I am using Slackware 13.0_64bit) the smbfs module is not loaded by default. So first thing you have to do is load the smbfs module.

How to bypass SMTP-Authentication on Postfix

SMTP Authentication is a scheme which was introduced in 1999 by J. Myers of Netscape Communications and finally released as RFC 2554 ("SMTP Service Extension for Authentication"). It is partly based on the SMTP Service Extensions as defined in RFC 1869.
Clam Anti Virus (ClamAV)

How to upgrade ClamAV (Clam Anti-Virus) on Centos

My email server is using Postfix as the MTA and ClamAV as the anti-virus software running on CentOS 5.4. Today I check the version of Clamav installed on it and it is already out-dated so I need to upgrade to the latest stable version. The installed version of clamav is ClamAV 0.94 whereas the latest stable version is ClamAV 0.95.2.

Upgrading clamav installed on CentOS is easy. You just first backup the current configuration of clamav (/etc/clamd.conf and /etc/freshclam.conf).

How to solve error slapt-get incomplete download

I use Slackware Linux as the main operating system. Today I wanna upgrade some softwares installed on my system like Mozilla Firefox, Thunderbird and etc. Currently the firefox version installed in my system is version 3.0.8. The latest version of firefox is 3.5 so I wanna upgrade it and other softwares too. To update/upgrade Slackware I use ‘slapt-get’, an apt-get like tool to upgrade software in debian families.

Test IPv6 Implementation on Solaris and Linux

This tutorial will try to implement IP Address version 6 on Opensolaris 2009.06 and Linux (Slackware 12.2). Both OS are already support IPv6 by default so we just enable/activate it. The schenario of this test is using direct connection between the two OSes and using existing private IP addresses. IPv6 makes it very easy to assign existing addresses.