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Install Zimbra Collaboration Suite 7 on Centos 5.5 – Part 1

This tutorial shows you how to install Zimbra Collaboration Suite (ZCS) 7.0.0 GA Release on Centos 5.5. The guide starts with the installation of Centos 5.5’s packages required by ZCS 7.0, the installation of ZCS 7.0 on Centos 5.5 and then later configures everything to make it work as a powerful email and collaboration suite application.

How to add MP3 support to Rhythmbox

If you want to play musics (MP3 files) in UNIX/Linux platform, you can choose to use XMMS, Songbird, Amarok ,Rhythmbox and others. Since I use Gnome window manager on my Centos 5.4, I use Rhythmbox to play MP3 music files

How to Install Huawei E220 USB Modem on Centos 5.4

It is very easy to do this. CentOS 5.4 that using kernel 2.6.18-164 is smart enough to autodetect the device so you do not need huaweiAktBbo-i386.out tool to switch the modem to the correct mode for serial port. In my case, it is detected and attached to ttyUSB0 and ttyUSB1
Clam Anti Virus (ClamAV)

How to upgrade ClamAV (Clam Anti-Virus) on Centos

My email server is using Postfix as the MTA and ClamAV as the anti-virus software running on CentOS 5.4. Today I check the version of Clamav installed on it and it is already out-dated so I need to upgrade to the latest stable version. The installed version of clamav is ClamAV 0.94 whereas the latest stable version is ClamAV 0.95.2.

Upgrading clamav installed on CentOS is easy. You just first backup the current configuration of clamav (/etc/clamd.conf and /etc/freshclam.conf).