Opensolaris 2010.05 will be released in the next few days

After postponed to release on March, we will be getting new Opensolaris version in the next few days. It is Opensolaris 2010.05. This is what i am waiting for. There are plenty of new softwares and tools. For administrators, many new tools have been added such as Oracle Solaris 10 Containers, Triple-Parity RAID with ZFS, Splitting a ZFS zpool, Save space with ZFS Deduplication, User and Group Quotas with ZFS.

Opensolaris 2010.03 Build 133 Screenshot

Opensolaris 2010.03 will be the next Opensolaris version planned to be released on the end of March 2010. Many improvements and great new features will be added such as interactive installation for SPARC, the ability to install packages directly from the repository during the install, offline IPS support, a new version of the GNOME desktop, ZFS deduplication and user quotas, cloud integration and plenty more.

OpenSolaris 2009.06 screenshots

Opensolaris 2009.06 had been released on June 1, 2009. Here are some screenshots of them with Gnome compiz fusion 3D window appearance make it more like Ubuntu Linux. Some improvements had been done in the system, much more stable in compiz fusion, faster reboot or shutdown (comparing to the previous release 2008.11). There is one new application that really interesting, Elisa Media Center (something like Windows Media Center in Ms Windowz Vista or Win 7)