Laravel Homestead

Laravel Homestead on CentOS 7

If you are a web developer which uses Laravel as the framework, you may have heard of  Homestead, a Vagrant box which provide you a great Laravel development environment without requiring you to manually install web server (NGINX), PHP, and MySQL/PostgreSQL on your local machine. Thanks to VirtualBox and Vagrant which make it easy to create a such wonderful web development environment.

This article will show you how to setup Laravel Homestead on CentOS 7. I use the latest CentOS 7.2 version. However it should be applicable on CentOS 5 or CentOS 6 or even any newer version of CentOS.

KCFinder Web File Manager

KCFinder Web File Manager, a great web-based file manager

KCFinder is an alternative to the CKFinder web file manager. It can be integrated into FCKeditor, CKEditor, and TinyMCE WYSIWYG web editors (or your custom web applications) to upload and manage images, flash movies, and other files that can be embedded in an editor's generated HTML content.