BlackBerry DEVCON Asia 2011, Bali – Indonesia

The BlackBerry® Developer Conference Asia is now the largest all-development conference outside of North America. If you heard about BlackBerry® DEVCON in San Francisco last year but weren't able to attend, this is your chance to attend the show closer to home – in Bali, Indonesia on January 13 and 14.

Very Awesome Nokia N8 Promo Video

Nokia just started shipping the Nokia N8 to those of you who pre-ordered it. To get more interest from the users, Nokia has made some promotional videos. Below is the very awesome Nokia N8 promotional video

MeeGo is finally available for Nokia N900

MeeGo, a Linux-based open source mobile operating system developed by Intel and Nokia, is officially released today. This release is still meant for experienced developers only. There is a warning that flashing the MeeGo will permanently erase your settings and may cause damage to your device.