Laravel OS X El Capitan

Setting Up Laravel on OS X 10.11 El Capitan

Laravel is known as a popular PHP Framework to build your web application faster. Many web developers is now using and loving to use Laravel for their PHP framework.

I just upgraded my MacBook to run OS X 10.11 El Capitan Beta version. On this post would like show you how to setting up Laravel on OS X El Capitan.

Enable PHP on OS X El Capitan

Enable PHP module on OS X 10.11 El Capitan

OS X 10.11 El Capitan Beta 5 which was released on August 19 comes pre-built with PHP 5.5.27 and Apache 2.4.16. You can start Apache web server using ‘apachectl‘ command as root / super user. However by default the PHP module is not enabled.

If you are new to web development using Mac, you may ask how to enable PHP module on OS X 10.11 El Capitan along with Apache web server.

FreeRadius Logo

Sample config of FreeRadius as a Mobile authentication

This article shows you a sample configuration of FreeRadius as a mobile authentication to assign static IP address to the clients. In previous post, we have installed and configured FreeRadius on various operating systems such as Linux (CentOS, Ubuntu), FreeBSD, and OpenBSD. The Radius is ready to process requests.

This sample setup is based-on my project on a company which is serving hundred of customers around the country (Indonesia) using Telkomsel as the mobile operator. The customers are using a USB modem with a SIM card to connect to intranet.

FreeRadius Logo

How to Install FreeRadius on Linux / OpenBSD / FreeBSD

This brief post shows you how to install FreeRadius on Linux / OpenBSD / FreeBSD with MySQL or MariaDB as the database. The Linux distributions which we will cover including CentOS and Ubuntu.

FreeRadius is an open-source, free, fast, feature-rich, modular, and scalable Radius server. According to its official web site, many Fortune-500 companies and tier 1 ISPs are using FreeRadius as their AAA solution.

FreeRadius Logo

How to log authentication requests on FreeRadius

This short how-to shows you how to enable log authentication requests on FreeRadius. By enabling this log, you can trace whether the users are successfully authenticated or not.

FreeRadius is a free, open source and yet powerful Radius software which is used by many companies for their AAA solutions. It can be used as a WiFi HotSpot, wired or wireless LAN, and even mobile authentication server using MSISDN number.

cPanel on iPad

How to transfer cPanel license to new IP address

This brief post will try to guide you on how to transfer cPanel license to new IP address or server. You can easily transfer a license to a new IP address through your cPanel store account.

If you have a VPS or dedicated server hosted on a web hosting provider, it may happen that you would like to move from one hosting provider to another one. The reason probably related to technical issues, slow response helpdesk / support or other reasons.

cPanel Login Page

How to install cPanel & WHM on CentOS 6.6

Are you looking for a web control panel software to manage your web sites? cPanel & WHM probably the de facto software you are looking for. It is absolutely the best web control panel software available out there at least until now. It is not free. You have to buy a license to use this software. However you can try it freely for 15 days. This brief article shows you how to  install cPanel & WHM on CentOS 6.6.