How to set static or fixed IP address using DHCP

By using DHCP you can set the computers to be static or fixed IP address. You might want to do IP-based policy for some of workstations inside you Local Area Network (LAN) and it makes easier to do IP-base policy this way. This tutorial shows you how to set static or fixed ip address using DHCP.

How to install Flock Browser on Slackware 13.1

Flock is a social web browser that pulls all of your favorite people, places and content together in a convenient view and delivers a more personal experience of the web, where its users are more easily connected to what's important to them. The current latest stable version is v2.6.1. This tutorial will show you how to install Flock 2.6.1 on Slackware 13.1

How to install Adobe PDF Reader on Linux

Install Adobe Reader on Linux is easy. Here are the full steps how to install it on Linux. This tutorial should be applicable on various Linux distributions such as Slackware, Centos, Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, Redhat and others.

How to install Netbeans on Linux

In this tutorial I want to show you how to install Netbeans on Linux. This tutorial is applicable in various Linux distributions such as Slackware, Ubuntu, Centos, Fedora, Redhat et cetera. The current stable version of Netbeans is Netbeans 6.8 but there is also a new beta version of Netbeans which has many new features and improvements than the previous one so in this tutorial we will use Netbeans 6.9 Beta.

How to create tunnel interface in Linux

This tutorial will show you on how to create a tunnel interface in Linux (Slackware, Centos, Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Redhat, etc). To create a tunnel interface, you need to load/activate the 'tun' module first because it is unloaded/inactive by default. To activate it use 'modprobe' command as below